Annie Berge

College Success Coach | (612) 382-5723

Annie holds a BA in German Studies from Macalester College, a MA in Leadership in Student Affairs from the University of St. Thomas, and she was a Fulbright Scholar in Germany. Annie has coached and advised college students for over a decade, focusing on helping them navigate the transition from high school to college and gain confidence and success throughout all aspects of the college experience.

Annie’s one-on-one work with students is driven by her passion to help students achieve success in college both academically as well as socially. She has used her extensive knowledge of the college experience, campus life, and academic and career pathways to create highly individualized success plans for students to ensure smooth transitions to college life as well as success in every facet of the higher education experience and beyond.

She has advised 1000+ students on over 30 different college campuses in more than 5 states, working with high achieving students to students who have struggled with academics, friendships, roommates, homesickness, mental health issues and more. She has a unique ability to build rapport with any student almost instantly, and students have found Annie to be an invaluable resource in navigating the challenges of life in college and building success as they launch into adulthood.

Working both within and outside the institution of higher education, Annie is passionate about helping students get the most out of their time in college and achieve their dreams post-graduation.

Specializes in College Success Coaching